How does it play?

Look how Bed Up Down saves your space going up and down from the ceiling
with a "click"
  • When our son was born the house became too small. Bed Up Down allowed us to get an extra-room without changing apartment
  • We love hosting our friends in our beach house, with Bed Up Down we have a guest room always ready
  • We transformed our apartment from a two-roomed into a three-roomed one

Bed Up Down represents an Excellence Made in Italy


Double beds, single beds, king-size beds, storage beds: we do not have standards as all our creation are tailored to fit your whim


From sheets and duvets, clothes and shoes, to books and toys, our houses have a lot take care of. Disappearing wardrobes are perfect to save space


Free your room from the encumbrance of the table: with our system Bed Up Down you can save totally your spaces, your table gets -Up into the ceiling when you do not need it

Other soolutions

The system Bed Up Down can be adapted to other different situations: showers, bedsides tables, safe boxes, tables... We do not limit your imagination, and each solution is customizable

Bed Up Down in your home

We can vouch for many previous successful experiences in our installations worldwide and abroad uo to 10 years guarantee for a complete and long-standing service
Contact us to get a free quote
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