Categories: Beds, double bed, Flat, Letti


Florenz, Italy

Total area:

40 mq

Customer’s needs:

Customer needed to create a bedroom in his flat. She did not want to use the only available room as bedroom, and to host in the kitchen.

After a careful research, she choose our solution. Thanks to Bed Up Down she transformed the room in a living room which becomes a bedroom just with a click of the remote control the bed comes down on the floor as a normal bed


Our experts lowered the entire room with a false ceiling 32 cm hight (the original ceiling is 2,70 cm hight)


The customer wanted to integrate perfectly her bed with the style of the apartment, so our technicians coated the false ceiling with the same panels used to coat the wall of the entire room.

The feet of the bed are transparent 7 cm hight, on request we integrated the folding headboard color white, matched with the color of the structure, and two bedsides table

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